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A lot of media focus has been given to Sheik Jarrah and Gaza recently, but in the South Hebron Hills similar human rights violations are going on which don’t garner as much attention. We invite you to join us to explore several small Palestinian communities located in Area C of the West Bank. Many are small Bedouin villages gradually being surrounded by Israeli settlements.

Because of the on-going violence, Palestinian children in Atwuani require a military escort to go to school. Young civil resistors have led the popular nonviolent resistance struggle against the illegal settlement encroachment. They also re-established a Palestinian village in Sarura after the community had been abandoned for 20 years.

This 90 minute session is a unique opportunity to hear from Yahav Zohar, our own political history expert, as well as young activists on the ground defending Palestinian human rights against violations committed by the IDF and Israeli settlers.

Read Yahav’s short introductory article about the situation here.

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