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Solidarity Speaks! (No. 9)

We joined together on Sunday, December 10th of 2023 for Solidarity Speaks, the nineth session of our emergency webinar series giving people around the world a forum to hear directly from Palestinians and Israelis calling for an permanent ceasefire, a release of all the hostages, and an end to collective punishment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

We were joined by Itamar Shapira of the Green Olive Collective for an emergency briefing about the status of Masafer Yatta in Area C of the occupied West Bank. Itamar was completing his thesis about Masafer Yatta at Haifa University and was currently participating in direct solidarity, emergency response, overnight shifts, and protective presence efforts in Masafer Yatta, where settler militias were threatening communities with imminent displacement, villages were under military lockdown, and residents were facing mass eviction in Firing Zone 918.

He provided geopolitical perspective about Area C, a chronology of diplomatic and grassroots activity in the region since the war began, and personal reflections based in his work and years of experience in Combatants for Peace, Breaking The Silence, Green Olive Tours, and other justice initiatives.

This recording of the webinar is free and open to the public, but you can become a member or contribute at the following link to sustain the Green Olive Collective and our work to challenge the violence of occupation and advocate for a democratic future.

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