– by Amos Gvirtz – 

Great anxiety. Israeli citizens are sitting in their homes, as demolition hovering over their heads. (Orders that may materialize each day). What will you? Where will they go? Where to live? No one is offering them alternative accommodation. They do not settlers who settled on land that is not theirs, violation of Israeli law and contrary to international law. They are citizens of Israel.

Their only crime is born Bedouins in the Jewish state. They were expelled from their lands – stolen from them – in 1949. The Israeli government moved them from place to place twice before finally seated them, sixty years ago, in Umm al-Hiran and Atir. Only one thing the government has done. She did not give the status of illegal settlements created. Now illusory claims are invading! Invading towns own government settled them sixty years ago!

Why is it so important to dispose of them in areas where the government sat them? Whoever comes to Umm al Hiran see around the huge space, empty. But it turns out that the Israeli government decided to build a Jewish settlement, Hiran name, precisely where it housed the residents of Umm al Hiran. And plant a forest just where the Israeli government settled the residents of rich!

The question is why the Israeli government doing this? Unfortunately the answer is simple: Since he she can. It can, Since he did not sufficiently citizens oppose these racist acts.
Once out of the UN General Assembly Declaration Scandalous: they decided that Zionism is racism. The insult was burning. How can you blame the state of the Jewish people – who suffered so much from racism – racism !? Indeed, a few years later dismissed the UN General Assembly the scandalous decision.
In the eighties, the Israeli Knesset passed a law against racism. I fear that this law is opposed to racism and incitement to racial effect. The law was actually defending the racist actions of the government. No one can demand to outlaw the Israeli government because of the racist actions.

When the government removes citizens – Bedouin from their dwelling places, in order to reconcile citizens – Jews in their place, it’s a racist act. Displace people from their land and plant a forest on land that this inhuman act. If settlers were certainly not before she could send them find an alternative place to suit their requirements.

The Israeli government decision makers scandalous actions of the United Nations was not mistaken. Israel’s citizens who are crying about the horrible act of injustice, mops theory and in practice the government’s racist actions.