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Two Cities, One Story – Jaffa and Tel Aviv

By Miri – Today’s Jaffa forms part of the joint Tel Aviv – Jaffa municipality, which often gives the impression of Jaffa being just another neighbourhood, or even a suburb of Tel Aviv. This widespread perception signifies quite an affront to the Bride of the Sea, Jaffa’s proud nickname. The city ranks as the second […]

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Underneath Tel Aviv’s Surface

By Miri –  During these hot summer months my proud Jerusalemite friends constantly complain about the heat and humidity in Tel Aviv. While I usually complain about the cold of Jerusalem, I have to admit that during the summer peaks Jerusalem’s higher altitude does provide you with a soothing breeze that you will simply not […]

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Green Olive Tours Recommends: DIY Tel Aviv

By Miri – For a Middle Eastern country Israel is as Western as it gets and Tel Aviv is probably the queen of Westernness. And yet, for a person who sets her/his foot for the first time into this place, it can get quite confusing. Shimrit Elisar took it on herself to ease this experience […]

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The Nakba in Israeli Society

By Miri Today, May 15th marks Nakba Day. Nakba means “catastrophe“ in Arabic and refers to 1) the events that took place during the war of 1947/1948, usually referred to by the Jewish-Israel discourse as the War of Independence, during which an estimated number of 750,000 Palestinians were expelled and/or fled from their homes and […]

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Instances of Genuine Co-Existence in Jaffa

By Miri Joint Palestinian-Israeli initiatives are not that rare anymore. In fact, in recent years they have become some sort of business, and funding agencies all over the world are keen on financing efforts at establishing dialogue and co-existance.  At the same time, those initiatives are frequently criticised, both by more conservative or right wing […]

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Visit the ‘White City’

From Miri Most recently Tel Aviv has been voted the world’s gayest travel destination.This achievement is the result of a campaign launched by the Tel Aviv tourism board and supported by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism to promote the White City as an international gay vacation destination. Activists from the LGBTQ scene, including Israeli ones, […]

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