These tours in Jerusalem illuminate the relationships between the ancient and the modern layers of the city, the sacred and the profane, and the impact of the conquests and developments in the modern age. You’ll visit religious sites, and also learn about the cultural and political dynamics in the holy city.

Expect to be moved, shocked, and surprised by the discourse of our guides. In addition to their guiding, all of them are involved as volunteers in the complex task of building a just society, a country we hope our children will be proud of, and a land where all men and women will one day hold their heads up as free people. Come and share our world.

Green Olive Tours selected the YMCA as a convenient central departure point for most of our tours. However our affiliation with the organisation goes much deeper and reflects our endorsement of YMCA’s philosophy of inclusiveness in this divided city.
Every morning, while waiting for their tour to depart, our clients witness the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim children entering their kindergarten at the YMCA, one of the few mixed pre-schools in the country. Such sights send a message of hope for the future.
In the following video YMCA CEO Forsan Hussein talks in depth about the foundational philosophy of the Jerusalem YMCA, and his personal journey.