8th July, 2018 – The Bedouin village of Khan al Ahmar is in danger of demolition. Urge your Senators and Representatives to join the delegation to help save the village.

Two months ago The Green Olive Collective teamed up with the Rebuilding Alliance to bring US Congressional staffers to Palestine and Israel for an intensive learning experience.
The trip was led by Green Olive Partner Itamar Shapira and the Rebuilding Alliance CEO Donna Baranksi-Walker. In addition to the Bedouin of Khan al Ahmar, they met with dozens of Palestinian and Israeli peace workers, politicians, NGOs, activists and Palestinians impacted by the occupation.
The Congressional staffers and accompanying constituents met with the besieged Bedouin of Khan Al Ahmar, a village in the Judean Desert near Jerusalem that is now in danger of imminent demolition by the Israeli authorities.
The village is in the way of Israel’s expansion plans for the nearby settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. As a result the community has received no access roads, water, electricity or other minimum services, and has had their applications for community planning and building permits routinely denied.
When our strategic partner, the Rebuilding Alliance, recently brought Eid Jahalin, the spokesperson for Khan al Ahmar, to Washington DC to walk the halls of Congress, the best advice we got is this: Take Congress to visit the village – and do it NOW.
Please invite your Senators and Representatives to join the Leadership Learning Mission to the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Israel starting on August 9th – Sponsored by our strategic partner, the Rebuilding Alliance.
You are urged to invite your Senators and representatives to authorise their staff to join this delegation accompanied by constituents from their district. If they or you are interested in joining the trip, please fill out the form on this page.
The goals of this trip will be to:
1). Visit Palestinian villages of Khan al Ahmar, Susiya, and Al Aqaba to stop the demolitions and assure Palestinian planning rights. Discuss how to safeguard the 12,500 Palestinian homes, schools, barns, and water systems currently under demolition orders.
2) Visit the Israeli court where Palestinian children are tried with a 95% conviction rate and meet with parents of and attorneys for the children.
3). Meet with and encourage Palestinians and Israelis who are already working to secure human rights and bring about justice and peace, and recognize their efforts.
Yes we know this is short notice, but the need is now. Please CONTACT your Congressional Representatives NOW. Please start now, by filling out the form on this page.
If you are receiving this notice but are not a US citizen, please consider recommending to your organisation to work with Green Olive and organise a similar delegation from your country. Just fill out the form and we will be in touch
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