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Rulings Don’t Rebuild Houses: The ICJ Ruling Impacts on the Front Lines of the West Bank

– by Anna Lippman – 5/8/2024  This article was first published in Rabble and we are grateful to share it here with the permission of the author. In this article Anna Lippman shares her eyewitness account of life in Palestine’s West Bank as residents face increasing harassment from illegal Israeli settlers. The breaking news alert chimes on my […]

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In Umm al-Khair, the Occupation is Damning Us to Multigenerational Trauma

– by Awdah Hathaleen – 22/7/2024 This article was first published in +972 and we are grateful to share it here with the permission of the author. Awdah is an activist and community advocate from the village of Um al-Khair in Area C of the occupied West Bank. Here he discusses the long term effects of the unprecedented […]

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