Off the beaten track tours • Visit sites • Meet locals • Discuss Human Rights & Politics

Movie review – Ajami

– by Alexander Jones – To celebrate the launch of our tours in Hebrew to the Ajami neighbourhood in the south of Jaffa, we’re reviewing the immensely popular 2009 film of the same name. The film tells the interconnected tales of a dozen or so Ajami residents who all battle the various social challenges which […]

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HomeLand Insecurity: Update 1

A letter from film director, Yahav ZoharYahav’s second film Jerusalem Revealed, part of the Homeland Insecurity series, is now in pre production. Please support his work by participating in our Kickstarter Campaign at this link > Dear friends, Thank you for taking an interest in our new project, Homeland Insecurity. The first film in the series, Jaffa […]

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Homeland Insecurity: Jaffa and Tel Aviv Revealed

Released in March 2020This is the first film in the Homeland Insecurity series. We hope you like it.See below for details of our next film The next film will be about Jerusalem and is currently in development. Yahav will explore the special case of East Jerusalem- perhaps the most contested and complicated place in our […]

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From Jaffa to Jerusalem – A Palestinian Story

– by Aref Dajani –  Aref Dajani I grew up in the United States with a name that is difficult to pronounce with no English cognate. Anyone with a name that Is difficult to pronounce gets made fun of (at best) because of their name. Many change their name. I never wanted to, because I […]

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Ottoman clocktowers

– by Alexander Jones – Sultan Abdul Hamid II became the ruler of the Ottoman Empire on the 31st of August, 1876. 25 years later, to celebrate his silver jubilee, 144 clock towers were built in important cities throughout the empire. Celebratory towers were built from Tipoli (modern day Libya) to Damascus (modern day Syria), […]

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Top 10 most beautiful religious sites in the Holy Land

– by Alexander Jones –  Most people visit places associated with miracles and spirituality on a trip to the Holy Land. Regardless of your own faith, this list presents the ten most beautiful religious sites which you can visit on your next trip to Israel and Palestine. 10. Abuhav Synagogue (Safed – also known as […]

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Your guide to the top 5 mixed parties in Israel and Palestine!

– by Alex Jones – 1. Anna Loulou (Jaffa) What a tragedy! After nearly a decade of service to those who believe in peaceful acceptance of the other, Anna Loulou management recently announced they will be forced to close due to issues around noise and crowd management. The boisterous groups who drink and smoke outside […]

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Jaffa’s failed American Colony

 – By Ofer Aderet – originally published in Haaretz – 50 years ago, members of the Church of the Messiah settled in the Holy Land in order to hasten the Redemption. They failed. In September 1866, The Nellie Chapin set sail from Jonesport, Maine with 157 men, women and children aboard – members of the Church […]

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Introducing Echoing Yafa – An Audio Walk through Manshiyyah

By Miri –  During the celebrations for the 64th anniversary of Israel’s independence in 2012, a number of left wing activists from the Israeli non-profit organisation “Zochrot” were prevented by the police to hold an alternative event to commemorate the conquest and destruction of more than 400 Palestinian villages and towns through Israeli forces. One […]

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The Role of Zionist Terrorism in the Foundation of the State of Israel – the Case of the Irgun Zvai Leumi

By Miri –  During the years between World War II and the establishment of Israel in 1948, three Jewish para-military organisations were operating in Palestine. The first one to emerge was the “Jewish Defense Organisation”, the Haganah, which was founded when the tensions between the Palestinian and the Jewish population started rising. Until 1929, the […]

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Returning to Jaffa

By Miri –  When I’m guiding tours in Jaffa and Tel Aviv I usually tell the participants that the best thing I can do to further their understanding of what is going on in this region, is by complicating issues. Rather than providing them with a logical or linear version of history, my aim is […]

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Germans in the Holy Land – The Temple Society

By Miri –   Thinking Israel and Germany usually ends up with thinking Holocaust. However, Germany’s connection to historic Palestine precedes the Second World War by quite a few centuries. Like many other Christian leaders in Europe, Germany’s emperors also had an interest in “liberating” the Holy Land from “infidels” and at the same time in […]

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